Fixing What Was Broken:Winning Your Ex Back



Telling a final farewell to an accomplice can be quite possibly of the most difficult and genuinely depleting experiences. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to realize after a breakup that they still have strong feelings for their ex and want to rekindle the relationship. This realization can lead to a journey of introspection, self-improvement, and strategic efforts to win back an ex-partner.

Understanding the Breakup

Analyzing the Reasons

The first step in any attempt to get back together with an ex is to thoroughly understand why the breakup occurred. This requires honest self-reflection and, if possible, an open conversation with your ex. Common reasons for breakups include communication issues, trust problems, lack of compatibility, and external pressures such as family or career demands. Identifying the root causes of the breakup will help you address these issues and demonstrate to your ex that you have made meaningful changes.

Taking Responsibility

It is crucial to take responsibility for your part in the breakup. This doesn’t mean shouldering all the blame but acknowledging where you may have contributed to the relationship’s downfall. This can be difficult, but it’s a necessary step in showing your ex that you are mature and capable of growth. Apologizing sincerely for any mistakes you made can go a long way in rebuilding trust and opening the door for reconciliation.

The No Contact Rule

Importance of No Contact

One of the most effective strategies for winning back an ex is implementing the no-contact rule. This involves cutting off all communication with your ex for a specified period, usually ranging from 30 to 60 days. The purpose of this strategy is twofold: it gives both you and your ex time to heal and gain perspective, and it allows you to work on self-improvement without the distraction of constant communication.

Focusing on Self-Improvement

During the no-contact period, focus on improving yourself in areas that may have contributed to the breakup. This could involve working on your emotional intelligence, improving your communication skills, or addressing any personal issues such as insecurity or jealousy. Additionally, use this time to pursue hobbies and interests that make you happy and fulfilled. Showing your ex that you are a more well-rounded and content individual can be very attractive and can reignite their interest in you.

Re-establishing Communication

Reaching Out

After the no-contact period, it’s time to re-establish communication with your ex. This should be done carefully and strategically. Start with a casual and friendly message that doesn’t put any pressure on your ex. A simple “Hey, I hope you’re doing well” can be a good opener. The goal is to initiate a positive and low-stress conversation that can pave the way for more meaningful interactions.

Building Rapport

Once communication has been re-established, focus on rebuilding rapport and connection. Share positive updates about your life, show genuine interest in your ex’s well-being, and reminisce about good times you had together. Avoid bringing up the breakup or any negative aspects of the past relationship. The aim is to create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere that makes your ex feel comfortable and happy to talk to you.

Addressing Past Issues

Open and Honest Communication

As you rebuild your connection, it’s important to address the issues that led to the breakup. This must be achieved through open and honest communication. Be prepared to listen to your ex’s perspective without getting defensive. Acknowledge their feelings and show empathy. Discussing these issues openly can help both of you understand each other’s viewpoints and find ways to move forward.

Making Amends

If there were specific actions or behaviors on your part that hurt your ex, take concrete steps to make amends. This could involve changing certain habits, attending therapy, or making other positive changes in your life. Showing your ex that you are committed to personal growth and improving the relationship can help rebuild trust and demonstrate that you are serious about making things work this time around.

Rebuilding Trust

Consistency and Reliability

Faith is a fundamental part of any strong relationship. Rebuilding trust after a breakup requires consistency and reliability. Show your ex that they can depend on you by being consistent in your actions and following through on your promises. This means being punctual, keeping your word, and being there for your ex when they need support.


Being transparent and honest is essential in rebuilding trust. This means being open about your feelings, intentions, and actions. Avoid keeping secrets or hiding things from your ex. Transparency helps to build a foundation of trust and shows your ex that you have nothing to hide and are fully committed to the relationship.

Rekindling Romance

Creating New Memories

While it’s important to acknowledge and address past issues, it’s equally important to create new and positive memories together. Plan fun and enjoyable activities that both of you can look forward to. This could be as simple as a casual coffee date or as adventurous as a weekend getaway. Creating new memories helps to reinforce the positive aspects of the relationship and reminds both of you why you enjoyed being together in the first place.

Rediscovering Each Other

Take the time to rediscover each other. People change and grow over time, and it’s important to get to know the person your ex has become. Ask questions about their current interests, goals, and dreams. Show genuine interest in their life and be supportive of their aspirations. Rediscovering each other helps to build a deeper connection and can reignite the spark that brought you together initially.

Moving Forward Together

Setting Boundaries

As you work towards getting back together, it’s important to set healthy boundaries. This involves discussing and agreeing on what is acceptable and what is not in the relationship. Boundaries help to protect both individuals’ well-being and ensure that the relationship is respectful and supportive. Setting clear boundaries can prevent the recurrence of past issues and create a healthier dynamic moving forward.

Building a Future Together

Discuss your future together and make plans that align with both of your goals and aspirations. This could involve talking about where you want to live, career goals, or plans for starting a family. Building a future together requires compromise, mutual respect, and a shared vision. Working towards common goals can strengthen your bond and give both of you something to look forward to.


Winning back an ex is a complex and often challenging process that requires self-reflection, growth, and strategic efforts. By understanding the reasons for the breakup, taking responsibility for your actions, implementing the no-contact rule, re-establishing communication, addressing past issues, rebuilding trust, and rekindling romance, you can increase your chances of successfully rewriting your relationship and getting back together with your ex. Remember that every relationship is unique, and there are no guarantees, but with patience, perseverance, and a genuine commitment to improvement, you can create a stronger and healthier relationship than before. Click here to find more.


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