Love Commands:Be His Biggest Cheerleader



Understanding the psychology behind attraction and connection is key to making a man feel deeply attached to you. “Love commands” are subtle, yet powerful, ways to communicate and engage with a man, making him crave your attention and presence. Here’s how you can use these techniques to captivate his heart and mind.

1. Master the Art of Subtle Compliments

Compliments are a powerful tool when used sparingly and meaningfully. Instead of generic praises, focus on something unique about him that he may not often hear.

2. Create Memorable Moments

Shared experiences can create strong emotional bonds. Plan activities or moments that are unique and memorable, which will make him associate those positive feelings with you.

  • Example: Organize a surprise picnic at his favorite spot.

3. Be Genuinely Interested in His Life

Show genuine interest in his hobbies, dreams, and thoughts. Active listening and engaging conversations can make him feel valued and understood.

  • Example: “Tell me more about your project; it sounds fascinating!”

4. Use Mystery to Your Advantage

A touch of mystery can make you more intriguing. Don’t reveal everything about yourself at once. Let him discover you gradually.

  • Example: Instead of sharing all your plans, leave some details out to pique his curiosity.

5. Show Appreciation and Gratitude

Expressing gratitude for the little things he does can make him feel appreciated and needed.

  • Example: “Thank you for always being there for me. It means a lot.”

6. Encourage His Goals and Ambitions

Support his ambitions and dreams. Being a source of encouragement can deepen his emotional connection to you.

  • Example: “I believe in you and your ability to achieve this.”

7. Maintain Your Independence

While it’s important to show interest, maintaining your independence and having your own life is equally crucial. It shows confidence and self-sufficiency.

  • Example: Pursue your hobbies and interests passionately.

8. Use Positive Body Language

Non-verbal communication is incredibly powerful. Use body language to show your attraction and interest.

  • Example: Maintain eye contact, smile warmly, and lean slightly towards him when talking.

9. Express Your Feelings Openly

When the time is right, express your feelings openly and honestly. Vulnerability can strengthen emotional bonds.

  • Example: “I really enjoy spending time with you. You make me feel special.”

10. Create a Sense of Partnership

Make him feel like you are a team. Use language that promotes togetherness and partnership.

  • Example: “We make a great team. I love how we complement each other.”

11. Understand His Love Language

Everyone has a primary love language through which they prefer to receive love and affection. Understanding and speaking his love language can create a deeper emotional connection.

  • Example: If his love language is Acts of Service, doing small things to help him out will make him feel cherished.

12. Be His Safe Haven

Create a space where he feels comfortable sharing his thoughts and feelings without judgment. Being his confidante can strengthen your bond.

  • Example: “You can always talk to me about anything. I’m here for you.”

13. Flirt Playfully

Keep the spark alive with playful flirting. It keeps the relationship exciting and fresh.

  • Example: Send him a teasing text during the day, hinting at something fun you could do together later.

14. Give Him Space When Needed

Respecting his need for personal space shows that you trust and respect him. It also allows him to miss you.

  • Example: Encourage him to have a guys’ night out or pursue his hobbies without feeling guilty.

15. Surprise Him with Thoughtful Gestures

Unexpected acts of kindness can make him feel special and appreciated.

  • Example: Cook his favorite meal unexpectedly or leave a sweet note in his car.

16. Challenge Him Intellectually

Engage in stimulating conversations and debates. A mental connection can be just as strong as an emotional one.

  • Example: Discuss a book you both read or share your thoughts on a recent event.

17. Be Adaptable and Flexible

Showing that you can go with the flow and adapt to situations can make you more appealing and easier to be around.

  • Example: If plans change at the last minute, embrace the new plan with enthusiasm.

18. Mirror His Actions Subtly

Mirroring his actions and body language can create a subconscious connection and make him feel more comfortable around you.

  • Example: If he leans in while talking, subtly mirror the gesture.

19. Be Supportive During Tough Times

Standing by him during difficult times shows your loyalty and commitment.

  • Example: Offer your support when he’s stressed about work and help him find ways to relax.

20. Celebrate His Achievements

Show genuine happiness for his successes and celebrate his achievements, no matter how small.

  • Example: Surprise him with a small celebration for a work promotion or a personal milestone.

21. Show Respect and Admiration

Respect and admiration are key components of a healthy relationship. Express your respect for his values, beliefs, and decisions.

  • Example: “I really admire how you handled that situation with such grace.”

22. Build Anticipation and Excitement

Create a sense of anticipation by planning something special and giving him hints about it without revealing too much.

  • Example: “I have a surprise planned for this weekend. You’re going to love it!”

23. Engage in Shared Interests

Find common interests and hobbies that you both enjoy. Doing things together can strengthen your bond.

  • Example: If you both love hiking, plan regular hiking trips together.

24. Stay Positive and Upbeat

A positive attitude can be contagious. Stay upbeat and bring positivity into his life.

  • Example: Focus on the good things in life and share uplifting stories or experiences.

25. Encourage His Individuality

Support his personal growth and encourage him to pursue his passions and interests.

  • Example: “I’m so proud of you for following your passion. Keep going, you’re amazing!”

26. Be Playful and Fun

Bring a sense of playfulness and fun into the relationship. It keeps things light and enjoyable.

  • Example: Initiate a playful game or challenge, like a friendly competition or a fun activity.

27. Share Your Passions and Interests

Open about your own passions and interests. Sharing what you love can create a deeper connection.

  • Example: “I’ve been really into painting lately. I’d love to show you some of my work.”

28. Respect His Boundaries

Understanding and respecting his boundaries is crucial for building trust and respect in the relationship.

  • Example: If he needs some alone time, give him space without taking it personally.

29. Maintain a Sense of Mystery

Keeping a bit of mystery in the relationship can make things exciting and keep him intrigued.

  • Example: Don’t reveal all your plans at once; leave some things as pleasant surprises.

30. Show Confidence and Self-Assurance

Confidence is attractive. Show that you are self-assured and comfortable in your own skin.

  • Example: Pursue your goals and dreams with determination and confidence.


Using these advanced love commands can deepen the emotional connection and make any man feel incredibly addicted to your attention. Remember, the key is to be genuine and authentic in your actions and words. Click here to find more.


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